Friday, May 27, 2011

Here's the painting I'm working on. I tried mixing yellow and blue but I didn't like the color so I had to go out and buy another paint stick. These things are EXPENSIVE! But I really needed the green. I'm not sure if I'll like this as much as I did the first one, but it's early stages yet. I'm also having trouble getting the brown of the benches right. It's easier to mix color when they're liquid or semi-liquid than it is by overlaying. In my pastels I have 5 different greens. Oh well it's a "learning experience".
My show is in a WEEK! I just hope someone shows up. It would be nice if a bunch of people I know are there. I also want to sell out. Or at least sell a lot.

I feel like this is where I should have been 2 years out of art school instead of just getting started again. This is what happens when you get married and divorced and have a child and have to support yourself. It gets in the way. It wasn't the time so much as the mental energy. My daughter was very needy. It took all my emotional strength dealing with her, there wasn't any left over for myself. Now I'm in a soul-sucking job and it is hard to keep going. But I have made a good beginning. I just can't loose momentum.  So next week I have to find some time to contact other galleries about having shows. 
I've worked on the painting some more since I took that photograph I'll post another one in a few days.

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