I can't believe it's been this long since I lasted posted anything. Well I have been busy doing new work for Art in the Garden. I just did the first Friday Art Walk for August. I wanted to have some smaller pieces. The more I use my paint sticks the more I like them. Everyone tells me not to feel discouraged it's the economy not my paintings, but still it is disappointing when people look, tell you how great your work is, and then don't buy.
I'm really excited about then new work though. I feel I'm finally getting a style that is recognizably MINE.
It isn't easy getting a show together, even just few pieces for something like Art in the Garden. I think that panels are the way to go for me with the paint sticks. I like a firm surface to work on. I can get

1/4" birch plywood panels fairly cheaply, then I cut them to size and back them with 1 x1 pine. They can be hung as they are which makes everything easier. I went up to my friend Kevin's frame shop in Lewiston to cut and mount the pieces. I had to go TWICE and still I need to glue two panels together.
But I think next year I might do a couple of art shows in the summer. It depends on money, time, and how much work I have done. Also I'll need a new car. So keep praying I get a better paying job. Till next time. I'll try to post more frequently. I promise.